Digital Health Master Class (DHMC)

Digital Health Master Class (DHMC)

Small and mid-sized hospitals account for 85% of hospital capacity in India. Encouraging the adoption of Hospital Management Information Systems (HMIS) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in these hospitals is critical for driving Digital Health in India and making healthcare affordable, accessible, and improving care quality. Adoption of HMIS and EMR also have significant business benefits for hospitals - improving patient satisfaction, optimising costs, enhancing revenues and making hospitals future ready. Nevertheless, deploying and using HMIS and EMRs do need upfront investment and change management in staff - making it an important decision of hospital owners and CEOs.

Digital Health Master Class (DHMC) is a 4-5 hour long in-person workshop designed for owners and CEOs of small and mid-sized hospitals across India. DHMC encourages these hospitals to use HMIS and EMR to enhance operational, clinical and financial performance and join the ABDM ecosystem of the National Health Authority (NHA). DHMC is developed by Koita foundation in collaboration with NATHEALTH and PwC.

DHMC is designed as open source and can be used by partners across India to conduct workshops with owners and CEOs of small and mid-sized hospitals. Initial set of DHMC partners including NATHEALTH, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Health Providers (NABH), Association of Healthcare Providers India (AHPI) and CHiME India.

If you are a government / national organisation and are interested to learn more about DHMC, please write to us at
Other parties interested in DHMC can just use the open source content (incl. case studies) given below!